You worked hard to graduate from high school, start college, and you were excited to move off and start your own life. But what if you’re having the following thoughts?
Does this sound like you?
- Everything is new, and I’m overwhelmed with worry. I’m supposed to be enjoying new adventures and being independent, but sometimes I want to move back home with my parents.
- My space, organizing, and schedule are all a mess. Maybe I’m not really cut out for college.
- Everyone else seems to be making friends and having a great social life, but I’m just feeling lonely and homesick.
- I have no idea what to do next. “Failure to Launch!” keeps flashing in my mind. What kind of job will I get? Do I move back home with my parents? What will people think? Should I go to graduate school? I have no clue what to do, what I want, or what my purpose is.
- The pressures are overwhelming, and I find myself isolating, shutting down, or binging on Netflix or video games to avoid the stress of taking the next steps.
If any of these thoughts sound familiar, don’t worry, you’re not alone!
In high school, the focus centered on academics, class rankings, test scores, and getting into college. But many students don’t feel equipped with the skills, strengths, or clarity they need to navigate the challenges that come along with this new chapter of life.
Coaching gives you the tools, support, and guidance to transition toward independence, so that you can achieve success and enjoy yourself along the way. I’ll work with you to listen, encourage, offer guidance, and help you create the college life you’ve dreamed of experiencing.