Self-compassion is the key to healing, and perfectionism sets us up for failure. We all feel stuck at times, as if trapped in negative situations with no escape. We agonize over relationships, finances, weight or self-image. Many of us may believe that constant stress and suffering is inevitable, or that negative situations are just the way life is going to be. And this negative thought pattern can become habit-forming. When we feel trapped or stuck in a rut, we can fall into patterns of negative thinking. We become hypercritical of ourselves, our situation, or suffer fears about the future.
To turn things around, the most crucial step is realizing the relationship with ourselves is the first priority. Loving ourselves unconditionally begins by embracing and showing self-compassion more consistently. If we learn to love ourselves and honor our needs, we open up to teaching others how to love us, create environments we love, and ultimately achieve more of the life we crave. Consistent self-compassion leads to up-leveling our physical health and body image, decreasing anxiety and depression, lowering stress, achieving better sleep, overcoming burnout, creating closer relationships, and adopting higher coping skills for handling life’s challenges.
Here’s your Heart Work for finding some self-compassion today:
- Positive Self-Talk: get comfy, fix your favorite drink, light a candle, and write out the positive affirmations that you need to hear to reverse the damaging effects of negative hypercritical statements. Keep these affirmations close by (I keep them in the Notes app on my phone) and make reading them part of your daily practice!
- Find meaning in the world greater than ourselves and let go of perfectionism. Acknowledging our common humanity with the world helps us understand that we are all imperfect and doing the best we can. You’re not alone!
- Treat yourself gently, lovingly, as you would a good friend or a small child. Talk to yourself with soft, kind words that help get to the heart of what you need. When we do this, our bodies and minds respond more positively to change. Begin by treating yourself like your own best friend.
Learn to love yourself unconditionally, embracing yourself as you are, flaws and all!